Joshua Evan Blumenstock

Job title: 
Associate Professor

Joshua Blumenstock is an Associate Professor at the U.C. Berkeley School of Information, the Director of the Data-Intensive Development Lab, and the faculty co-Director of the Center for Effective Global Action. His research lies at the intersection of machine learning and empirical economics, and focuses on using novel data and methods to better understand the causes and consequences of global poverty. Joshua has a Ph.D. in Information Science and a M.A. in Economics from U.C. Berkeley, and Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Physics from Wesleyan University. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award, the Intel Faculty Early Career Honor, a Gates Millennium Grand Challenge award, a Google Faculty Research Award, and the U.C. Berkeley Chancellor's Award for Public Service. His work has appeared in a variety of publications including Science and Nature, as well as top economics journals (e.g, the American Economic Review) and computer science conferences (e.g., ICML, KDD, AAAI, WWW, CHI).

Featured Works:

Blumenstock, J.E., Chi, G., Tan, X., 2020. Migration and the Value of Social Networks. Blumenstock, J.E., 2012. Inferring patterns of internal migration from mobile phone call records: evidence from Rwanda. Information Technology for Development 18, 107–125.