Alein Y. Haro

Job title: 
Graduate Student at UC Berkeley

Alein Y. Haro, MPH, is a doctoral student in Health Policy - Population Health Sciences at UC Berkeley. Alein’s research examines the association between policies and health disparities among immigrant communities and minorities in the US. She studies that impact of public policies on social inclusion and health outcomes among Latinx and immigrant populations. Her work seeks to clarify the individual, institutional, and structural mechanisms that link health and social policy changes to health care access and health outcomes. She is also a research fellow with the California Initiative for Health Equity and Action (Cal-IHEA), where she acts as a liaison between UC and CSU faculty and the policy-making community in Sacramento; conducts her own research on the intersection of health insurance, state policy and public opinion; and manages the "Improving Health Access for All Immigrants" portfolio. Her interest in immigration stems from her lived experience.
